Monday, May 3, 2010

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy

What is your favorite season and why?
I live in the Northeast, well to be geographically correct, the Middle Atlantic States. You see, my husband was a social studies teacher, fifth grade for many years, and taught the states and capitals as part of his curriculum. But I digress.
Even though I didn't really choose to live here, I was born here, my parents resided here and my husband had no desire to leave, I think I really like it here. I cannot imagine living without a change of seasons. I really enjoy moving from one season to another.
So, even though spring, which we are experiencing now, brings hope and renewal to my spirit and fall speaks of the rest and, in it's own way, renewal and winter brings the beauty of Jack Frost to the landscape, I am a summer gal.
Waking up to the sun shining in my window, the breeze playing across my bedclothes, to me, is joy. The birds are singing to me to come, begin my day, see what lies ahead in the sunshine.
My flower garden begins to be its most beautiful in the June days of warm sun and gentle breezes. I remember back to the days of my youth, with all summer waiting for me to experience her joys. We roamed the hills of Potter County, rode our bikes, swam in the creek and allowed life to flow around us.
Summer with my own children was as laid back and easy as my days of innocence. Sleeping late, having a picnic in the backyard, riding our bikes, cooking on the grill when dad came home, what wonderful, idyllic times.
And now, in the latter part of my life, I still love the feeling of waking on a summer morning, most often with no heavy responsibilities. Oh yes, we have VBS, the LPGA, family visits, all things we look forward to with joyful anticipation, none of them a drudgery.
For sure, Summertime and the Livin' is Easy. Let's go catch us some fireflies a jar.


  1. I love summer too, although I must admit, now that I am older, I can handle the spring temps better than the heat of the summer. But growing up in Southern Ontario, we'd run around in tanks/shorts or just bathing suits...not as flattering when my age now...haha
